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Meet Jim

Meet Jim


This is site contains information related to Jim Colville’s career as well as personal information that is more relevant with my retirement. I have been practicing as a CPA since graduation from college through early 2020 at which time I retired as a practicing CPA and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Both certifications are formally in retired status.

Early Career

After serving in the military, I returned to Cal State University Long Beach and graduated in 1972. Upon graduation I  began working for an international CPA firm achieving the role of audit supervisor. An opportunity arose that allowed me to move to San Diego to work as the Vice-President, Finance for the firm’s largest regional client.  Upon completing the major refinancing and other significant projects, I joined a large local San Diego CPA firm.

CPA and Technology Through Today

1980 I founded my own firm performing traditional CPA services, and then began adding technology services, performing PC training. The technology services transitioned to a new business name, InfoStat, with the internet domain name registered in 1996.  In 2004 I joined one of San Diego’s oldest and largest CPA firms to managing large forensic accounting and fraud projects that required significant technology and advanced Excel skills in which I was well prepared.

Upon completion of these projects I then started my own CPA firm again developing a sizable practice with the focus on auditing, forensic accounting and technology. Beginning in 2019 I began the process of retirement, selling parts of the practice to other CPAs and CPA firms, completing this process in early 2020. Of interest, this was the week before COVID-19 hit.

My Business Post Retirement Activities

As a retired CPA, I continue to work on selected projects while enjoying a relaxed schedule that is not consistently deadline driven.

My services include:

James Comey (Link)
I’m not sure if this a good thing or bad thing. As a six year board member of Infragard San Diego, I had the opportunity to visit personally with the Director along with about 30 others in August 2016. With hindsight, I’m not sure about the full context of the two-hour exchange which was just prior to his very public announcement regarding Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.