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Meet Jim

Meet Jim


This is site contains information related to Jim Colville’s career as well as personal information that is more relevant with my retirement. I have been practicing as a CPA since graduation from college through early 2020 at which time I retired as a practicing CPA and Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Both certifications are formally in retired status.

Early Career

After serving in the military, I returned to Cal State University Long Beach and graduated in 1972. Upon graduation I  began working for an international CPA firm achieving the role of audit supervisor. An opportunity arose that allowed me to move to San Diego to work as the Vice-President, Finance for the firm’s largest regional client.  Upon completing the major refinancing and other significant projects, I joined a large local San Diego CPA firm.

CPA and Technology Through Today

1980 I founded my own firm performing traditional CPA services, and then began adding technology services, performing PC training. The technology services transitioned to a new business name, InfoStat, with the internet domain name registered in 1996.  In 2004 I joined one of San Diego’s oldest and largest CPA firms to managing large forensic accounting and fraud projects that required significant technology and advanced Excel skills in which I was well prepared.

Upon completion of these projects I then started my own CPA firm again developing a sizable practice with the focus on auditing, forensic accounting and technology. Beginning in 2019 I began the process of retirement, selling parts of the practice to other CPAs and CPA firms, completing this process in early 2020. Of interest, this was the week before COVID-19 hit.

My Business Post Retirement Activities

As a retired CPA, I continue to work on selected projects while enjoying a relaxed schedule that is not consistently deadline driven.

My services include:

As a six year board member of Infragard San Diego, I had the opportunity to visit personally with the Director along with about 30 others in August 2016. Leading up to the meeting, Comey was generally a positive note in the news. However, with hindsight, I’m not sure about the full context of the two-hour exchange which was just prior to his very public announcement regarding Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. He gave me the appearance of being very slippery and gave a aura of confidence in everything he did, whether or not it was in the best interest of the country. Since is was the director of the FBI and the very fact that I was in the same room as him was an honor. But my nagging feelings kept popping up. He was fired by the President in May 2017 at which time much of his actions began to prove my nagging feelings.

Regardless, I can say that I’ve met with the Director which can be impressive but, at the same time, I wish that he was more open leaving me with a better feeling about serving the country with actions that are in the best interest of the country.